College of Life Sciences

College Undergraduate Research Award

HomeGrant ProposalsAnnual ConferenceFAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

The application is a fill-able form on the Life Sciences website. It is essentially 4 pages in length: Abstract (200 words), background (500 words), research plan (500 words), expected products (200 words), timeline (200 words). Budget and literature cited are also included.

Sadly, we are not accepting uploaded images or figures with the application.

Yes. However, all students must have a faculty mentor from the College of Life Sciences.

Faculty mentors must be from the College of Life Sciences. The University provides experiential learning money to each college. We are supporting Life Science faculty who are mentoring Life Science, Neuroscience or other majors. Students with mentors in other colleges should ask that college their plans for mentored research opportunities.

The money will be deposited into your BYU Financial Center at the beginning of winter semester.

If you experience a problem with the site please contact For questions about the CURA process contact Dr. Michael Stark (